MOBILNOŚCI MIĘDZYNARODOWE I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Kazimierza Jagiellończykaw Sieradzu For the Earth For the young people

Saving electricity

Clever electricity management is not only ecological, but also economical. Energy bills can really surprise and become a huge burden on the household budget. Among the many methods, it is worth choosing those that will be easiest to introduce in life everyday. Learn more about how do it.

Using daylight!

The best way to save money is to use daylight. It is worth organizing space in your home to best light the rooms. If you work at home at a computer, place your desk next to the window. In that you will guarantee greater access of light to the workplace.

Turning off the lights!

Many of us forget about a simple habit that helps saving energy. Unfortunately, we easily ignore the fact of turning off the light in rooms where there are no household members. It is worth paying attention to this habit, which will help us save electricity.

Energy-saving bulbs!

The third way to save electricity is to replace the bulbs with those that consume less electricity. Although energy-saving bulbs are slightly more expensive than decent ones, they consume less electricity. Replace such bulbs start from the places where you light most often.

Disabling unused equipment from switch! 

Did you know that unused equipment very often continues to draw electricity? Therefore, turning off equipment that we do not use is very important. Try not to use standby mode. Although it’s very convenient, the console or laptop will start in a few seconds, the financial benefits of completely turning off the device will compensate you for temporary discomfort.

In short:

  • A good way to save energy is to invest in appropriate lighting.
  • In that the proper use of devices, we can save electricity at home.
  • Saving electricity also helps to protect the environment.

What bill subsidies are available?

Households can apply for subsidies to recompensate for increases. In 2022, it is especially an “energy supplement”. The surcharge can range from 20 PLN up to 1437.50 PLN.

Ways to save without changing your habits:

An interesting way to save money is to choose the proper electricity tariff. We distinguish two tariffs: night – it could be helpful when you heat the house with electricity or have an electric car; weekend – it is useful in the event that we consume more energy on Saturdays and Sundays.

When we save electricity, it does not need to be produced in larger and larger quantities, in that we pollute our environment less. For lower electricity consumption, we pay smaller bills, i.e. we save both our money and electricity.

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