MOBILNOŚCI MIĘDZYNARODOWE I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Kazimierza Jagiellończykaw Sieradzu For the Earth For the young people

Solar farms in a nutshell

There are solar farms in Greece. These are separated areas where energy from solar panels becomes electricity. In this way, we use the electricity obtained from the sun. It is free and the sourcing process is environmentally friendly. This energy is useful not only for nearby housegholds, because by sending it to the electricity grid, it can be used far from the farm. It is also possible to store energy in acumulators.

The process of obtaining energy

 Solar panels work thanks to the photovoltaic cells they contain. Cells are in the form of semiconductors such as silicon. They enable the photoelectric effect to take place. Hence, photons from the sun’s rays excite the movement of electrons. As a result of which an electrical voltage is generated.

Operation of photovoltaic farms

The farm we had the opportunity to visit is located in mainland Greece. It is operated with Chinese and Japanese solar panels. There are uniaxial, polycrystalline panels and biaxial and monocrystalline too. Farm workers look after them, they come to the site of any breakdowns.

The panels are warranted for up to ten years of use. During this time, their productivity drops by about 3 per cent. Taking care of solar farms includes activities related to the maintenance of panels. They work best in mild, moderate weather conditions. The performance of the panels deteriorates when it is too hot or too cold. Systems for cooling panels in the presence of high temperatures have not been precisely developed. The owners of the farm in Larissa decided to overcome this problem by sowing grass all over the area. This allows the substrate to cool down. Caring for this lawn also plays a major role in the farm’s productivity. Although the panels are only able to consume energy during the day, thanks to one invention they do it accurately and do not waste it. The technology used in the production of the panels makes them turn towards Sun. Throughout the day the panels move from top to bottom, right and left in order to use as much solar energy as possible. To enable them to do so, they must also be cleaned of dust and dirt. A special washer in the form of carbon brushes was designed for this. 

They are not heavy and can be easily lifted. Panels are washed by workers, using brushes and distilled water. Rainfall also washes away dirt from the panels without scratching them. 

In the past, subsidies for solar farms were much larger, but people are still setting up new Farms. Place like that work for their livelihood and are profitable. The one that belongs to Horizon continues to expand, and solar energy is becoming more and more popular in Greece and beyond.

Advantages of solar farms

Photovoltaic farms make it possible to achieve energy independence in large areas and that is how the costs of obtaining electricity from external suppliers are reduced. By investing money in solar farms, getting to gain energy from a natural source becomes possible. This process is very economical and good for the environment and thanks to raising the knowledge about ecology we know, how it is important to the Earth future.

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I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Kazimierza Jagiellończyka w Sieradzu

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